“I’m disputing the relevance to Russiagate, which was about more material charges than ill-defined collusion.”
You’re seriously questioning the relevance of collusion to the Russia Investigation, after Trump supporters and Trump himself told us there was no collusion?
Trump seems like a shady character; I’m surprised they didn’t find something more substantial.
Obstruction of justice is pretty substantial.
You might want to watch the movie. The original Manchurian Candidate was also unaware he was a double agent.
- He was brainwashed, which no one has argued about Trump. My point was being an “asset” of Russia something that can be attained without being a willing participant. For example, Trump and Russia both knew about the Trump Tower deal and were both lying about it. Trump was susceptible to Russian blackmail because of this.
- 2. I was quoting your reference! Maybe you should watch the movie too? (I’ve only seen the one with Denzel.)
People who aren’t motivated entirely by partisanship might have some curiosity about who else might have broken laws. I certainly do, and it’s not like I voted for Trump.
I don’t know that the IG report will bring it to light, but the Durham investigation will be worth following. Barr and Nunes seem to have discovered fire under the smoke, and the story seems to be getting pieced together in other corners too.
If I were motivated by partisanship, I’d probably be swallowing the BS that Barr and Nunes are peddling, since I’m a Republican. But I’ll repeat my question: If the FISA warrants were at all improper, why has not a single FISC judge come out and said, “Show me the information again?” Not only was every single approving judge appointed by a Republican, but all of them were fully aware of Nunes’s findings; not one asked to see the FISA warrants again.
I appreciate the instinct to weed out corruption and the concern that an American was improperly surveilled; it’s a good one. But the Nunes (and now Barr) conspiracy theory is so clearly a bad faith attempt at muddying the waters.